Last month was the month of hitting milestones. In my 8 months update, I talked about all of the things that were almost happening. And now, at 9 months old, Levi has reached some of those milestones.
First of all, we didn't only have one tooth come in. No, within days, his bottom front teeth came in, and a week or two later, he also had his top front teeth, giving him a goofy looking smile. Thankfully it didn't seem to bother him much.
Levi has attempted to crawl here and there, but still hasn't mastered it. He is however pulling himself up on everything and anything and even walked all the way around the inside of his crib, holding on the side, the other day. I love how proud of himself he was when he first figured out. Now we're working on getting back down on the floor again, which isn't quite as easy it seems.
After a rough first week at daycare (also because they kept switching teachers around), he settled in nicely and now enjoys being there. Tony and I were so relieved when his daily notes said "happy" for the first time. It's been going great since. Of course he refused the bottle at first, but now will take it somewhat regularly. He still prefers real food so we've been sending quite a bit. He makes up for it in the evening and at night when he likes to comfort nurse. I have been pumping some days on the way home from work if it's too uncomfortable, but haven't even attempted pumping at work and I feel good about that decision. He eats a combination of breast milk, formula, and solid food at daycare and at home.
Levi also started clicking his tongue and making sounds that sound more like talking and less like baby noises (mamamamama).
Because daycare doesn't have room to store an infant car seat during the day, we switched to a convertible rear facing seat which to me is such a big milestone for some reason. My favorite part about it is that him and Ava will now hold hands on our way home every day.
Levi did get sent home one day with a light fever. Tony and I each worked half a day the following day so he could stay home with us. Thankfully it wasn't anything serious. We've really been lucky that the kids (and us) rarely get sick.
Now that Levi can sit up on his own (he still can't get into a sitting position on his own though), he sometimes gets to take baths with Noah and Ava in the big bathtub which everyone enjoys. He starts the night in his crib now, but by the time I come to bed he is usually ready to come snuggle with me. I'm trying to tell myself to enjoy it while it lasts...
This week we will have his nine month well child checkup so we'll get an update on his weight and height then. Considering he's in size 4 diapers and size 18-24m clothes, I'm guessing he's growing as he should.
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