Tuesday, November 7, 2017

6 Months Update (Levi)

And just like that, half a year has passed since this cutie joined our family. Clothes in size 9m are getting small and he's still in size 3 diapers. At his last check up he weighed just under 18lbs and was 27in long. While he's still drooling like a champ, he's not yet teething. 

Levi loves his food. While Noah and Ava weren't interested in purees and didn't really start solids until they were able to feed themselves chunks of cooked vegetables, this guy just can't figure out the hand-to-mouth coordination, but will finish a whole jar of baby food for dinner. So interesting how different babies can be, and once again a reminder that as parents, we don't get far with principles we've read about in a book, but have to listen to our kids. I like the quote from last week's This Is Us episode - before you have kids, you have a million questions, but they come with the answers. Sure, not all of the answers, but a lot of them. If we pay attention, they do a pretty good job at letting us know what they want. Sweet potato, pumpkin, apple, pear, kale, banana, spinach, puffs, and teethers, so far he's liked about everything we've offered. After a trip to the pumpkin patch I did end up canning some pumpkin for him, so combined with last year's apple and pear sauce, he's getting a mix of homemade and store bought baby food. The days of pleasant breast milk poop are officially over. 

He's old enough that I know he can sleep for long stretches without eating, but especially this last month he has taken comfort nursing at night to a whole new level. As much as I enjoy the baby snuggles for some part of the night, all night long is no fun! There's a lot of twisting and turning going on in our bed and nobody is sleeping well. I know that the solution is to sleep train and help him get comfortable in his own crib, which I'm sure we'd be successful with if we decided to put the right amount of energy toward it. Until then, sleepless nights it is. This too shall pass. Right? 

Levi is also pretty mobile now. Not yet crawling, but scooting around all over the living room floor. He loves going after wooden stacking toys in bright colors. That means he's also content by himself for a much longer time now, and of course Noah and Ava play with him on the floor. It's my favorite when they act silly and make him laugh. 

As much as he still loves the Ergo, I've been putting him in the double jogging stroller more and more often lately, and he enjoys the new perspective. He really is a pretty easy going kid and doesn't complain much, unless he's hungry or tired. He's sweet and silly, loves to be entertained and cuddled, and just very much wants to be a part of us and participate in everything we do. 

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