Saturday, May 9, 2015

Heart Beats, Chinese Calendars, and Cravings - Putting Old Wives Tales to the Test

It's been a bit quiet around here for a while but that doesn't mean we haven't had a lot of exciting things happening in the last few months, including finding out that we're pregnant with another little half-Kraut. Now that I'm almost half way there (due date is September 29th) I feel great, but the first trimester of this pregnancy was exhausting. Morning sickness that lasted all day, lack of energy, being extremely tired all day, constantly hungry but no appetite for anything, etc. It wasn't pretty and while I was excited for this baby from the moment I found out, I have to admit I was getting annoyed and frustrated with being pregnant. We had just found a good groove and rhythm that worked for us, but all of that had to be rearranged. I had been the one leaving super early for work to be able to pick up Noah from daycare at a decent time, but I just wasn't able to get up early anymore. When I was pregnant with Noah and tired after a long day at work, there were plenty of days when I just went to bed right after dinner and it wasn't a big problem for our schedule (because there was none) when I went to work late and came home late. Tony has been great and taking over more than his fair share of responsibilities around the house, but life has changed for sure since pregnancy number one and it's impossible to make this pregnancy as much of a priority as I did the first time around. I do feel guilty about that sometimes, but now that I feel so much better, things have been easier and I'm starting to enjoy this journey. I can't wait to meet this new little addition to our family. 

On Monday, one of the big pregnancy milestones is coming up: we have the 20 week ultrasound scheduled and if the little one cooperates we'll find out if Noah is getting a baby brother or a little sister. I remember the feeling when we found out Noah was going to be a boy; it made everything so much more real, we started talking about names, thinking about decorating the nursery, and just the simple fact that we could say "he" instead of coming up with some other phrase to avoid "it" made a big difference. Somehow he felt more like a real tiny little person after we found out and I can't wait for that to happen with this baby as well. 

Of course everyone knows that you can't rely on old wives tales to predict the baby's gender, but since we're finding out Monday, I thought it would be fun to go through the list to see which ones turn out to be true for me.
Here we go. 

1. Carrying high vs low

I'm definitely carrying this baby high, and I'm pretty sure higher than Noah. It's just a cute little bump for now, but based on this we'd have a GIRL. 

2. Dry hands

My hands have been super dry lately, but I think it may just be because I'm not drinking enough fluids (I'm working on it!). Dry hands mean BOY. 

3. Baby's heart beat

According to this tale, if the baby's heart beat is under 140 beats per minute it's a boy; over 140 beats per minute means you're having a girl. At the last ultrasound, baby had a heartbeat of 188 beats per minute and should therefore be a GIRL

4. Sweet or salty?

Craving sweets is supposed to indicate a girl, craving salty or sour snacks means it's a boy. I've always preferred salty snacks over sweets and it's even more so the case now. I don't even feel like ice cream or chocolate anymore but could easily eat a bag of chips for dinner, so according to this one we're having a BOY

5. Chinese calendar

The tools are all online. You enter mom's birth month and the month of conception to calculate if it's a boy or a girl. My result: BOY. (The Mayan calendar predicts the same)

6. Morning Sickness

I also had pretty bad morning sickness for a week or so with Noah, but this time it was much worse and lasted a lot longer. It must be a GIRL based on this. 

7. Bad skin

According to this tale, girls steal their mothers' beauty. More zits and pimples therefore mean girl. I'm torn on this one. I was breaking out a lot more early on in the pregnancy but it's been getting much better, so it's not so easy to day. I noticed however with Noah that my skin really got a lot better which I wouldn't say is the case now. Based on that I'll say GIRL on this one. 

8. Wedding ring

I can't believe I actually did this. You tie your wedding ring on a thread, lay flat on your back, and hold the ring over your belly. If it moves in a circular motion, it's a girl. Mine swung back and forth which means I should have a BOY. 

This was fun! The result: we have a 50/50 chance of having either a boy or a girl. Who would have thought? I guess we'll have to wait and see. Stay tuned. 

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