Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ava's Birth Story - Part 2

Click here to read part one of this story. 

To quickly recap, we were ten days past our due date and my midwife had just informed us during a check up that I was 6.5 cm dilated and therefore technically in labor. She wanted us to check in right away, also because I was GBS positive and we wanted to get the antibiotics started and hopefully get the first dose in 4 hours before the baby would be born. We didn't come prepared though; my hospital bag was still at home. I hadn't felt a single contraction and felt completely fine so I said I wanted to go home and grab my things. My midwife said that wouldn't be a problem and we could also grab lunch if we wanted to before checking in. This was at about 11 am. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Ava's Birth Story

I used to think birth stories were nothing but horror stories about terrible birth experiences and all about the scary "stuff that no one tells you about", so I avoided them completely when I was pregnant with Noah. After he was born I started to read mommy blogs and came across a number of beautifully written birth stories that didn't sugar coat the pain and emotions, but at the same time were so empowering that I fell in love with reading birth stories. Let this be a fair warning - I have no shame in sharing my story, in part because I had two very positive birth experiences that I hope may be empowering to other women as well. Feel free to skip this one if you prefer not to know all the details :)

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Noah's DIY Advent Calendar 2015

Last year I shared some of our holiday traditions, including how special advent calendars were to me growing up (here's a link to last year's post). I'm so glad I get to share this tradition with Noah now. 

This year I decided to use little muslin bags inspired by those we had as children. I still don't know if I'll be using these every year going forward. While I think it was special that we had the same ones every year growing up,  I like the idea of switching it up every year. This year's calendar didn't cost much and was easy to make so I won't feel bad if it only gets used this once. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Exploring our Senses: Touch and Feel Box

I never thought my Touch and Feel Box would be such a big hit. While I'm staying home by myself with both kids three days a week (both will go back to daycare full time when I go back to work in February) my goal is to have at least one activity, big or small, planned for each day. Not just to keep Noah active and engaged, but also for my own peace of mind - I can only read books and draw for so long. 
My favorite projects are those that are cheap (or free!) and need minimal planning and preparation. My touch and feel box is the perfect example. It's nothing fancy and I only used things I already had at home. 

feeling what distinguishes an apple from a ball